The Younger Generation
The Younger Generation consisted of Grandmaster Flash, Melle Mel, The Kidd Creole, Rahiem, Mr. Ness aka Scorpio & Keef Cowboy otherwise collectively known as Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five. They changed their name because the producer, considered it better.
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five were the number one rap group on the streets of New York City before rap music was embraced by the music industry and became mainstream and setting the standard for all other emcee groups who came after them.
We Rap More Mellow
We Rap More Mellow was released before the band had their commercial breakthrough. The track didn't feature the production talents of Grandmaster Flash and had a funk/disco backing track courtesy of producer Terry Lewis instead.
Source: Classic Hiphop Magazine, Hip Hop Be Bop, Last FM, Wikipedia