Caught by Mamie Ree & Young Wolf with The Gus Jenkins Band - Roots of Rap

May 1, 2020

Caught by Mamie Ree & Young Wolf with The Gus Jenkins Band

Caught by Mamie Ree & Young Wolf with The Gus Jenkins Band
Caught was a track by Mamie Ree and Young Wolf with The Gus Jenkins Band. The track was issued on Combo Records in 1955. Mamie was married to blues musician Gus Jenkins.

Mamie Ree

Mamie Ree was a rhythm & blues singer, who first recorded for Combo in Los Angeles, California, in 1955 (released as Mamie Ree), with sessions following for Flash in 1957 (released as by Mamie Jenkins), again for Flash in 1958 and Pioneer in 1959 (the two later as Mamie Perry).

Caught is a blues rap between husband and wife quarreling about who caught who.

Source: Keys and Chords, Wikipedia

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